Discrimination Against Women In Sports

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A woman participating in sports activities was rare before the 1970s because it was seen as manly and it wasn’t looked upon. Eventually, on June 23, 1972, Title IX was signed by President Richard Nixon. According to this law, discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity is prohibited. If this law was passed over 40 years ago, then why is it that many girls and women still face discrimination in athletics? More and more women began playing sports, but they didn’t, and still don’t have great support, opportunities or salaries. Further steps need to be taken to prevent inequality in high school, intercollegiate and professional sports. I am in my senior year of high school, and I have been playing basketball …show more content…

It is easier for males to obtain athletic scholarships than it is for females. As of 2012, according to Cynthia G. Brown, Senior Fellow at American Progress, “There are 3.1 million girls who play high school sports, but there are less than 200,000 collegiate athletic opportunities for women,” (Brown 1). Why is it that there is a significant amount of females playing sports in high school, yet they don’t have as many possibilities as males? Brown also states that there are about, “160 more opportunities for males to participate in athletics” (Brown 1). Despite Title IX requiring female athletes to receive scholarship money that is proportionate to their sports participation, it still isn’t enforced. At division I schools, women make up 51% of students but they only receive 42% of scholarship dollars, with 31% being spent to recruit new athletes. The Office for Civil Rights needs to conduct evaluations to ensure that female and male athletes are receiving the same opportunities. If they did, the gap in scholarship possibilities can be reduced. With more females receiving money, this could possibly increase the amount of professional female athletes, and decrease the amount of discrimination professional female athletes …show more content…

On their website, The Women’s Sports Foundation includes facts that every female athlete should know. They mention a very important point that, “If economic reason can be used to justify sex discrimination, would you accept that reason to justify other forms of discrimination” (Women’s Sports Foundation 1)? They then go on to give examples, one asking if it would be okay if African-Americans don’t receive a specific opportunity due to their race. And obviously, the answer is no. No race, social background, nor gender should be used to prevent people from receiving certain benefits. Title IX needs to be reinforced to prevent any further discrimination, and to assure that girls and women receive the same benefits as

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