Impact of Parenting Styles on Child Development

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Child Discipline The type of approach to discipline a child that the parents use have a dramatic impact on their relationship between them and the child’s development to adulthood. Research have found that there are four major types of parenting styles depending on what parents think the child needs from them. These are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved. The purpose is to explain the difference between them and the effect on their child development. First, authoritarian parents are the ones with the most rules, they establish them and the child is expected to follow them without exceptions. This cause the child to view things only the way the parents say and having very little room for involvement in problem-solving tasks. …show more content…

There’s a few consequences for misbehaving but the parents have an attitude that they are disobeying because they are kids. Permissive parents may be more of a friend to their children more than a parent because they encourage their children to talk with them about their issues and concerns but not much about their bad behaviors. These children tend to grow up struggling with their grades, and have social problems due to their insecurities. In adulthood, they are most likely to have low self-esteem and be sad most of the …show more content…

They almost never give their children the basic needs and expect them to raise themselves. Most of the time, these parents are this way because of a substance abuse or mental health issues. They lack knowledge on how to raise a child and don’t know what their children are doing. There are hardly no rules and if any exceptions. The children may not obtain any encouragement or direction because of the lack of parental attention. These children tend to be the most unfortunate in life, having no rules to follow and no motivation since they lack in self-esteem and are almost always sad causing several behavioral problems. To sum up, discipline is a central topic for dealing with your child, from babies to becoming adults. Therefore the parents should know and understand the four types of parenting styles because it highly contributes to the child’s development to adulthood. It is significant to know in which they belong and what would be the outcome for the child and how they can change and balance things for the better of the child. Their temperament and mood now and their personalities later in adulthood is highly attributed to the parent’s parenting style so when choosing, us as parents should choose what is better for

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