Disadvantages Of Stopping After Your BA In Psychology

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What are some advantages and disadvantages of stopping after your BA in psychology not discussed in the lecture?
The benefits of discontinuing your education after earning a BA is flexibility a person can dedicate themselves to their family or career without rigorous time constraints which are associated with continuing education. In my opinion, there is also a level of confidence which comes from knowing you achieved a goal. Also, one can set a positive example within their immediate circle of family and friends. Additionally, a person can also increase their chances of employment and workplace opportunities. Despite the advantages continuing, students are faced with many financial and personal stresses. For instance, loans, interest rates, deadlines, workload, the cost of commuting, course materials, and dorming can all have a negative impact on current students. Moreover continuing students consistently face additional pressure when attempting to balance family life, work responsibilities, and academic requirements needed to graduate. What did you learn from the video What Can I Do with a Psychology Major? …show more content…

Additionally, as Brad Neary stated one must try to layer their experience to create a solid foundation which will increase opportunity prior to and after graduation. Another important topic was accreditation all students who wish to pursue a Masters level or beyond much find a fully accredited APA University. Furthermore, this course video offered some insight regarding the importance finding and fulfilling your purpose in life. Also, the video stressed the importance of volunteering. Personally speaking, I was able to understand how one must seize every opportunity that presents itself in order to enhance and expand their knowledge regardless of their

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