Disadvantages Of Fast Fashion

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The fashion industry is the most wasteful industry, because clothing requires constant replacement. Fast fashion encourages a throwaway culture where clothes are disposed of before their real life cycle has ended. Most of the clothes are not used until they are worn out, but instead get replaced by the latest trend. The concept of fast fashion contributes to textile waste. This is because fast fashion retailers’ have the ability to send clothes from the design stage to store shelves within two weeks, which encourages consumers to buy substantial quantities of low-priced clothes every week. These levels of consumption point out that the fast fashion consumers may have an excess of lower quality clothing they don’t need. The increase in young female consumers, whom are style hungry and in low socio economic groups, have expanded the popularity of fast fashion. These young fashion consumers are not aware of the need for clothing recycling (Zarley, 2010).
Disadvantages of fast fashion
Fast fashion has several negative impacts on the people and the environment. Fast fashion causes overconsumption. People are purchasing way more than what they need. This purchasing behavior increases the fashion waste. The fashion industry is thus not sustainable. Fast fashion is made possible by exploiting the people and natural resources. The fast fashion industry exploits the workers by paying them low wages, unpaid overtime and also damages the environment by using toxic chemicals to manufacture the clothes and pollute the environment.
People are getting more aware of sustainability issues, and this includes the fashion industry. More firms have started using organic cotton and engaging in CSR, because it is being demanded by consumers. Vintage an...

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...d try attracting slow fashion consumers instead and cater toward their needs. Apparel retailers need to start being more sustainable, cautious and consider the lifecycle of their products. Managers of the fashion industry must also change their marketing strategies to not focus on who has the lowest price anymore. Other marketing strategies may be giving a percentage off on purchase for bringing in old clothing to recycle, or starting with campaigns to educate fast fashion consumers to start being more environmentally conscious and encourage them to reduce the amount they purchase, reuse their clothes for a longer time period, and recycle clothes they no longer want to use. Fashion retailers may want to consider promoting quality over quantity as well as offer versatile product lines that allow consumers to mix and match pieces throughout the seasons (Zarley, 2010).

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