Different Types Of Expectations

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Why do we bother having expectations when life is so unexpected? There’s a common list of expectations when it comes to being a WAG: designer bags, fancy clothes, perfectly groomed blonde hair and model looks. Then chuck in some paparazzi shots, famous friends, glamorous events and you’ve reached a hybrid of Victoria Beckham, Lara Bingle and Jesinta Campbell. Although Lisa Johns has blonde hair and an elegant ageing face, she arrived in a basic floral shift dress. She has no air of celebrity about her and she didn’t appear in a puff of exclusivity. For someone who has spent the last 26 years being a WAG, she didn't meet any expectations. Don’t get her wrong, whilst being married to former Broncos player, Melbourne Storm CEO and businessman Chris Johns, Lisa has still managed to secure the beautiful three story house with 180 degree city views and the fancy car. She’s also travelled the world, attended the Birdcage “a couple of years”, helps runs a very successful Car Wash business and has a Cartier Love Bangle bolted around her wrist. But when the word WAG was even mentioned in conversation she didn’t puff her chest up with pride - “Seriously?” she says rolling her eyes. This afternoon Lisa had unmet expectations as well. She was assured good company and a bottle of chardonnay when she agreed to come over for a chat. She jokes this afternoons …show more content…

By this time her headaches had subsided and she didn’t have to deal with as much media attention. Lisa’s voice picks up excitedly “I also didn’t feel as left out or stuck at home with the babies as I did when he was playing, he was more focused on business.” She admits that Melbourne was her favourite experience. In 2001 the Johns then started up, with others, Hoppy’s hand wash carwash. The well-known Brisbane business is now on to its 10th store, which in under construction on the Gold Coast. Chris

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