Differences Between Dominican Republic And United States

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The Differences between two big countries The Dominican Republic is different from many countries but specially the United States. Many people go on summer to the Dominican Republic but had they ever ask themselves what makes this small and beautiful island different from the most powerful country in the world (The United States).When I wake up in the Dominican Republic the year stations are all the same, hot, no change. The climate in the Dominican Republic is Semitropical. The language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish. Still the culture of the Dominican Republic is unique. The Dominican culture is awesome all types of colors and variety in base of people. People dance all the time. However every weekend is a celebration. I can go to the beach whenever I like to, I don’t have to wait until summer. But what does it makes it different from United States. In contrast when I wake up in the United States it can be cold one day and the next day hot. The climate in the United States varies due to the differences in latitude and a range of geography features. Basically United States has 4 types of weather, cold, not too cold, a little bit hot, too hot. The language in the United States is English. The culture of the United States is Western, but is influenced by African, Native Americans, Asian, Polynesian, and Latin American. United States has a mix culture because people come all over the world, to have better opportunities or just to change their way of life. The weekends in the United States are …show more content…

I just want to sleep and sleep. I have to wait until is summer to go to the beach in United States The Dominican Republic and the United States are two different countries, one is hot, the other one has a variety climate, one is

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