Differences And Similarities Between The Legend Of Heracles Vs. Hercules

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Heracles VS Hercules The legend of Hercules has been told and retold thousands of times; it is by far one of the best known Greek myths of all time. In fact, it was so well known that Disney made it into a movie. Like any story that’s adapted into a movie there are some differences and similarities between the myth and the movie. This paper will go over the main differences and similarities between the two versions of the same myth. The first comparisons between mythology and the Disney film are ones pertaining to the nature of Hercules character. In both film and myth Hercules exemplifies the hero myth and goes through what is known as the Hero’s Journey. In both stories eventually Hercules becomes a hero. In the movie Hercules was born In the beginning of the film, the audience is introduced to the five muses who are the goddesses of art, literature, and science. In mythology the muses do rule over art and science, but there are actually nine muses. The only logical explanation for fewer muses in the film would be to cut production cost. The next major difference between the movie and the myth is the role of Hades. In the movie he is chosen to be the evil villain that Hercules must triumph against to prove he is a hero (Disney vs. In the Disney version the trainer of heroes is a short, chubby, and comical satyr named Philoctetes. In mythology the actual trainer of heroes is an old and wise centaur named Chiron. The reason Disney changed the trainer of heroes was to provide more comic relief and entertainment (Disney vs. Mythical). The last part to be discussed is the plot of the two stories. In the Disney version, Hercules was born a god and is trying to earn his way back into Mount Olympus. In the myth Hercules was born a demigod and believes he deserves to be a god so he is trying to earn his way into Olympus, so he completes 12 acts of labor to show his worthiness (Hercules). In both stories Hercules is trying to earn his way and make it into Mt. Olympus. Despite his fame, strength, bravery, and the killing of the hydra it’s still not enough to win him a seat among the Gods in the Disney movie. In the myth Hercules rewards for all his heroic acts and is deemed worthy of becoming a god. The film Hercules earns his seat among the gods when he displays an act of self

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