Diamonds Are Forever James Bond Analysis

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One of the most iconic openings of all time, every James Bond film starts off with the introduction song about the title of the film. James Bond has one of the most unique openings in all of cinematic history, with the iconic music playing in the background, the screen shows the audience looking down the barrel of gun and a man walks in and gun shots are heard as the screen fades to red. Then depending on which James Bond film either this will lead straight into the title song or it will lead into a short introduction before going to the title song. Throughout the opening introduction within Diamonds are Forever, an attractive female is seen in numerous positions and angles with diamonds adorned to indicate what the female is about. Within the opening sequence to Austin Powers, Mike Myers makes sure to poke fun at British pop culture of the late 1960s. While the opening to Diamonds are Forever, was much more dark and serious regarding …show more content…

In every James Bond film including Diamonds are Forever, James Bond always says at least once, “My names Bond…James Bond.” This infamous quote is recognized throughout every Bond film from Dr. No to Spectra. In the film International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers says a very similar line to the delight of the audience when he says, “Actually, my name is Austin Powers. Danger is my middle name.” This quote is a play on the iconic line of James Bond. Another example of an iconic line from James Bond is, “Shaken, not stirred,” in regards to how he’d like his drink made. Although Austin Powers does not have a famous line referred to a drink he is best known for saying, “Yeah, baby, yeah!” The importance of a catch phrase is for audience to hold onto a particular phrase and remember it outside of the theatre. Both accomplish this goal with memorable phrases that can be repeated throughout cinematic

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