Dialogue Essay: The Murder Of John Deere

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The front end of the station wagon disintegrated upon impact, sending pieces of debris all over the highway. Alex and Angela’s parents were both thrown into the dashboard and windshield as the engine block raced at them with equal force. As the girls braced during the impact, they were both thrown forward, but were quickly arrested by their seatbelts. They screamed as the car careened and then skidded to a stop somewhere in the nearby farmer’s field, parts of the vehicle’s now twisted metal frame and blown out tires working as an impromptu brake to halt the vehicle. The farmer, miraculously unharmed by the collision, got down out of the cab of the John Deere and ran over to the wreckage shouting, “Oh Dear Lord, No… Oh Dear Lord, No!” Alex …show more content…

In the subsequent weeks following the accident, Alex had informed the investigators of the man she had called Anthony, and how she believed he had done something to the vehicle’s brakes that caused them to fail in stopping the wagon in the moments that led up to the accident. Eventually, the police had informed her that their investigation didn’t support her claim, and that the damage to the vehicle was too extensive to provide any evidence of wrongdoing. That most likely the cause of the collision was a combination of several factors, with a major one being her father’s delayed reaction due to the amount of alcohol he had consumed earlier in the day. That, coupled with the argument that Angela had informed them was taking place between him and their mother, along with the excessive speed the car was traveling at, and the lack of visibility their father had to see the farmer’s tractor in the middle of the roadway upon cresting the hilltop was all a recipe for

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