Diabetic Foot Essay

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Care of the Diabetic Foot
Diabetic foot problems are a major health concern and are a common cause of hospitalization.
Most problems for diabetics are nerve damage and poor circulation. Due to poor circulation and loss of feeling can result to unknown injuries or ulcerations which may progress to a serious infection in a matter of days. Chronic nerve damage, which is known as neuropathy can cause dry cracked skin, which provides a gateway for bacteria to enter and cause an infection.
The following consequences are antibiotics, hospitalization to amputation. Careful daily care is important to the overall health and prevention of diabetic foot complications.
Ways to Prevent Diabetic Foot Related Problems
1. Take Care of Your Diabetes
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Check Your Feet Every Day
Check your feet daily for skin color changes or redness, pain in the leg, ingrown nails, or fungal nails, corns and calluses, swelling of the foot or ankle, open sores that are slow healing, dry cracks in the skin, rub marks, blisters, or sores from tight or poor fitting shoes.
If you have trouble seeing the bottoms of your feet or between your toes, have a family member, home care helper, or caregiver to help check your feet daily. Call your doctor immediately if you notice any of these signs, to prevent infection from occurring.

3. Wash Your Feet Every Day
Wash your feet in WARM water, NOT HOT water.
Use a thermometer to test the water to make sure it is not too hot.
Dry your feet well. Be sure to dry between your toes. DO NOT SOAK your …show more content…

These types of socks are designed to wick away moisture from your feet and absorb shock and sheer.
Always check the insides of your shoes before putting them on. Make sure the lining of the shoe is smooth, and there are no foreign objects such as pebbles, sand, or debris inside the shoe.
Wear shoes that fit your foot well.
6. See Your Podiatrist for Diabetic Foot and Nail Care
DO NOT attempt to trim your nails. Your Podiatrist will take care of that for you. DO NOT attempt to trim or cut corns or calluses. Your Podiatrist will take care of that for you.
7. Keep The Blood Flowing To Your Feet
Put your feet up when sitting. Wiggle your toes for 2 – 5 minutes 2 to 3 times a day. Move your ankles up and down and in and out to improve blood flow to the feet. DO NOT sit with your legs crossed for long periods of time.
DO NOT wear tight socks, or any elastic around the leg that could cut off circulation.
DO NOT wear shoes that are too tight. Avoid pointed toe shoes and high heels.
DO NOT lace your shoes too tightly or loosely.
DO NOT smoke. Smoking reduces the blood flow to the

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