Determinants Of Job Satisfaction Essay

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2.1 Determinants of Job Satisfactions for Academicians
Robbins and Judge (2013) described job satisfaction as positive feelings about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. A person with high level of job satisfaction holds positive feeling about his or her job, while a person with a low level holds negative feelings. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors. Opkara (2002) stated that factors such as pay, the work itself, supervision, relationships with co-workers and opportunities for promotions have been found to contribute to job satisfaction. These are supported with findings from several researchers such as Kamal et. al. (2009), Nguyen et. al (2003), Rao (2000) and Maike (2010). It has been …show more content…

According to the Abeysekera (2007), salary play an important role to affect the employee has an intention to quit from job. By mean that, if the employee received a high payment or salary will decrease the employee quit from job. This is because, employees will feel the sense of fairness (equity) of pay in relation to the job done (Lum, 1998). The employer must observe the principle of fairness for the determination of wage for their employee in the organization Hendoko(1998). Received salary satisfaction based on the condition of equity theory of motivation to act in the organization's employees. Workers will assess ratio input on the outcome of the job on hand and make the comparison of it. Meaning to say that, if the organization offer the higher payment of wages, than will attract the employee to stay or loyal to the organization Lgbaria, Greenhaus and Parasuraman, (1991). Pay satisfaction can be seen that the person will be satisfied with his salary when the perception of salaries and what they earn according to expectations. Several studies identify aspects of satisfaction found associated with individual desire to leave the organization will cover wage and promotion satisfaction

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