Designer Babies Research Paper

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Imagine a world with no disease. Well it just may be possible. Genetically modified food is common in today’s world to make food perfect. If we legalized therapeutic cloning and designer babies maybe we could have, close to, humans with perfect health. With advances in genetically modified food, therapeutic cloning, and designer babies, it seems completely possible to get rid of or make all hereditary diseases extinct. With genetically modified food and designer babies comes many health benefits. Both would help eliminate diseases before they could do any harm. With designer babies parents could prevent their child from carrying a genetic disease by removing it from their genes before it is born. Likewise with genetically modified food scientists …show more content…

Cloning and designer babies would be a great way to achieve higher scientific advancements. Also with the advancement of designer babies parents would not have to worry about their child suffering from any hereditary health problem even if it is something as small as allergies. For example parents would be able to eliminate any of their genes that would cause a disease. Therapeutic cloning would also be able to help cure diseases or replace organs by creating a new one with stem cells. Even though legalizing therapeutic cloning and designer babies would allow so many scientific advancements there are people who condemn the ideas. They believe that allowing this would be wrong because the baby does not have any say in what happens. But that is an invalid excuse because parents are legally allowed to have an abortion, give their child up for adoption, and have a child through virto fertilization (petri dish baby). All of this is allowed to happen without the child having an opinion but they seem to think improving a childes life is unacceptable. Also, with it being illegal, scientists are not allowed to research cloning and designer babies. With this being said, it is extremely hard for scientists to show how cloning and designer babies would be an improvement. Through research it has been proven that they would be

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