Descriptive Essay On Provo City Center Temple

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Provo City Center Temple I have always been interested in knowing more about various religions that exist around the world and The Survey of World Religions class has provided great opportunities to observe and experience many different religions at its source. On March 3rd 2016, I have visited Provo City Center Temple. Before the field trip, I was very hesitant to go, because it was scheduled awfully early in the morning. In addition, I was assuming the Temple would not be very interesting, since, it was just an open house for visitors and there would not be and religious ceremony. However, my classmates, Rio and Jennica encouraged me to visit the temple and gladly, I have made the right decision. My visit to the Provo City Center Temple …show more content…

In the instruction room, people receive instructions about purpose in life; take bows and they stay in the room to contemplate on their life before entering the celestial room. People go into the celestial room to meditate, pray to themselves and be close to God. Sometimes people would stay in celestial room just enjoying the feeling of being close to God and the heaven on earth that depicted by the ornate decorations and design. In the temple, one of the main ceremonies is for people to be married or sealed in the sealing room. This ritual is called marriage ordinance also known as temple marriage or eternal marriage. In the sealing ordinance, husband and wife are sealed to each other and children are sealed to their parents in eternal family. Mormons believe, when they get married in the temple, they would be married forever and sealed together with their family even in the afterlife. The two mirrors depict the symbolism of eternity by the endless tunnel reflection

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