Describe What It Felt Like To Tell Someone Else's Story

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1. Describe what it felt like to hear someone else tell your story? Hearing my own story from someone else made me feel a sense of trust. I found it very fascinating how when sharing someone else’s story, including my story, the author puts their style and their interpretation on it. The way Itzel told it made me feel a sense of my story being valuable, and there was a trust and respect between us. The story have me a new perspective on the descriptions making me feel like I was reliving the past and the descriptions they used helped capture a very vivid image in my mind, and this experience was really cool. 2. Describe what it felt like to tell someone else’s story? The story helped me feel emphatic and it gave me a sense of walking …show more content…

This experience will help me better understand people because it will remind me no matter which person you meet, they have a collection of stories that defines who they are. Whether they are outgoing or shy, each person has a story to tell and it might change the way I approach people, and try to get to know them better on a individual level. By exchanging stories I might be able create new relationships since we are able to see what that person's experience was, and truly know them on a deeper level. It’s the trust and respect you have in them that can create friendships that are unbreakable. 7. Comment on two important and deliberate stylistic/structural choices you made in order to more deeply communicate the “truth” of your partner’s story. Be VERY specific and quote directly from the paper if possible. Then, for each choice, explain why you did what you did, and how it helps communicate “truth.” Every author has their own style of writing and this can help a story have personality and detail. In my paper I tried to use my own techniques to communicate the “truth”. One example of doing this is “Once I hit the top, the sand was hot and fell through my toes, with the soothing sunrays warming up my

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