Dental Insurance Case Study

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Dental Care While on Tour – Pros & Cons of Visiting a Dentist Abroad

A lot of individuals might abruptly experience extreme dental trauma unexpected while enjoying a trip to their favorite foreign land. Even with the outbreak of financial losses and turbulent recessions, people often find it difficult to get a proper job, leave alone a vacation to Europe, Asia, America and other countries. Typically low stats of individuals opt for dental insurance and people who opt for it usually buy the cheaper plans in order to save some money in the process.
However, before buying dental insurance and if you are lucky to venture out of country for a tour and experience dental problems, you could be in a fix. On the other hand, some folks generally head out of their own country in a bid to pursue cheaper dental care which is available in certain other countries. Such a type of …show more content…

That being said, it is certainly assertive as a plus point and a lot of money can be saved in the process. Cost factor comes as a chief contributor for dental tourism as some patients who require severe treatments can rake in a lot of saving by getting their teeth attended to outside of the country.
If we take an example: an entire oral cavity restoration treatment with twenty eight crowns and a couple of root canal treatments can set you back by $50,000 in America; whereas in other countries the same treatment can be had under $10,000. Some of the patients usually require a few root canal treatments with the addition of three or maybe four crowns. In America this would cost the patient approximately $10000, while the same healing dealing would be over in $1000 to $1500. So you see it does not really take a lot of dental procedures to make up a receipt of several thousand US dollars for the same treatments.

Cons: Overhead

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