Dental Hygienist Essay

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Working in the dental field has made me realized that many people do not care for their dental health. Why do most people see the dentist only if they are in pain? I ask myself this question quite often at I ask my patients. I love working in the dental field and part of selecting my career has a hygienist is that I want to educate all the patients at my office about how much we need our teeth and how to keep a good oral health. Everyone wants to have a pretty amazing smile. Most importantly everyone wants to have a good healthy oral health. Our mouths are extremely important for important reasons. Our smile is a greeter and is also part of our first impressions. Our teeth helps us masticate our food that we need for our bodies to …show more content…

You have to go to the dentist and have the dentist or the dental hygienist look at you and find out if you periodontal disease give you a diagnosed. The treatment for periodontal disease is scaling and root planning is usually known has the deep cleaning. The deep cleaning is not the most comfortable appointment but is very helpful. At our practice we place local anesthesia for the patient to be relax and usually it can be done into two or four visits if you are lucky maybe one visit. During this treatment we place anesthesia, the dental hygienist places an antibacterial mouth rinse around the gum to prevent future bacteria. Smooth the root by removing tarter from the roots with special instruments. Most of the time our patients do this into two appointment and it takes about ninety minutes each appointment. The scaling and root planning is done by a licensed register dental hygienist usually not very often dentist will do this procedure.
After have the scaling and root planning is done approximately one month after the dental hygienist will bring you back to evaluate the gum tissue. During this appointment they will take measurements of the gums to keep record of the amount of bone we have left evaluate the gum tissue. The dental hygienist will come up with a plan with the patient to set up a good recall schedule to prevent bone loss or loss of teeth. The patient will be in a three, four, five, or six month recall and this is called periodontal maintenance along with the two annual cleanings that is

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