Dental Check-Up Research Paper

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Regular and proper brushing and flossing is essential for good oral health. However, even the best dental habits may not be enough to avoid certain dental conditions such as gum disease and tooth decay. Getting regular dental check-ups every six months can help you avoid serious oral diseases that could affect your overall health. There are two main parts to a dental check-up. First, our specialist checks for tooth decay, gum disease and other problems, then your teeth are professionally cleaned.

Plaque forms on the teeth and gums. It develops from the sugar in food particles mixed with bacteria. When it builds up, it can cause tooth decay and gum diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Regular brushing can remove most plaque, but …show more content…

For one, Since the greatest cause of tooth loss in adults who are over 30 years old is gum disease, and you can save your teeth by having regular dental check-ups. The University of California, Berkeley conducted a study that found that women who have regular dental check-ups have about a 33 percent lower risk of heart disease. Aetna also conducted a study that showed that people who had regular dental care had lower overall healthcare costs because many serious diseases were detected early. When examining your mouth, the dentist or trained dental hygienist will evaluate for early signs of vitamin deficiencies, oral cancer and …show more content…

Your dentist can tell exactly how you brush your teeth. It can be seen by the way the gums wear down, and if some areas are better cleaned than others. If it looks like you may be missing some spots, or if your gums are wearing away unevenly, you will be given a short review on the recommended brushing and flossing techniques.

You may think that because you take good care of your teeth every day, you do not need regular dental check-ups. However, this could not be further from the truth. Regular check-ups not only help prevent dental diseases, they can also help prevent other serious

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