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In the novella, “Demian,” by Hermann Hesse, takes us through an insightful journey on the evolutionary road to finding one’s true self, by the protagonist Emil Sinclair. Sinclair’s evolution to finding himself comes with the help of Demian, Pistorius and Lady Eve, who act as his spiritual guides. At the age of ten, Sinclair lives in a world where all is protected, bright, correct and full of love. In Sinclair’s world, at this time, were his father, mother, sister and the maid Lena, all of whom he loves very much. In this white world Sinclair learns what is true through his family and the church. Even though he realizes there is a dark side through Lena’s private, after-dinner stories, he has never really experienced it.

This is all about to change when he meets up with a bully from the neighborhood named Franz Kromer. Attempting to fit in with the crowd, Sinclair tells a boastful story about his stealing apples. Kromer knows Sinclair is lying and uses this to extract money and have Sinclair work for him. Kromer forces Sinclair to do things he would not normally do, such as breaking into his money-box. Sinclair realizes that he now has a secret from his family and is feels guilty. He thinks about confessing the situation to his Father. However, when he encounters his father who dwells only on Sinclair’s wet shoes, he realizes his father is ignorant of his plight. Sinclair begins to feel superior to his father. (“It was the first rift in my father’s sanctity, it was the nick in the pillars on which my childish life had rested, and which every human being must destroy before he can become himself.”) This is a pivotal point to Sinclair’s development when he first learns about the dark side of life and the power within him.

As Si...

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...f reliance to make him self complete, no longer needing Demian (“I need only lean over the black mirror to see my own image, which now looks exactly like him, him, my friend and guide.”) and has completed the road to attaining his true self.

The evolutionary road to finding one’s true self is a long journey of self discovery and requires specific actions. It begins when you realize there are good sides and bad sides to life. To proceed, you need to reconcile these two sides into some kind of unity. In order to do this, you need to begin looking at events in your life from different perspectives, not just what you are taught. Once you are able to do this, you have the ability to interpret your dreams and thoughts as to who you truly are, making you complete. This is beautifully illustrated through Emil Sinclair and his guides, Max Demian, Pistorius and Frau Eva.

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