The Identity Process Theory: The Definition Of Identity

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Since early years of human existence people were trying to find out who they are. There is a question which every person asked himself at least once during his life. If someone asks you: “Who are you?” What would you say? You will start to describe yourself by classifying to one group or another. But does it really make you who you are? Or does it make any difference how you define yourself? The way you describe yourself will have an effect on your actions. According to dictionary, identity is the fact of being who the person is. It is linked to specific aspects of self-definition (Deaux, 1992). If you know that you are a horrible person, your actions will be the once that match with this characteristic. And if you are a kind person, most probably you will be doing good things. So, our identity has a great influence on our lives. In order to change anything we should firstly understand who we are. Then the question rises. How can we define our identity? When someone asks you: “Where are you from?” You will firstly think about the place you were born in or spent the longest period of your life. This is where your definition of identity starts …show more content…

A part of our identity is built on our own experience and preferences, which changes a lot during the life. This is called Identity Process Theory. Identity in this view is seen as a dynamic, social product of the interaction of the capacities for memory, consciousness and organized construal. Identity can thus be seen as both a structure and a process (Hauge, 2007). For example, as a structure of your identity can be the individual characteristics of your behavior, whether you are an active or calm person, emotional or not, etc. As a process you can understand the characteristics of your personality that can be changed. For example, if you are successful or not. It is one of the most influential factors that defines one’s identity, because it is deeply connected with

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