Definition Of An American Essay

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Freedom and justice are just some of the minor things we look at when defining an American. We always focus Americans as these freedom hungry people and that's it, but that's not it we are much more than just freedom. We are these wonderful people who innovate, believe, and perspire to do the best and be the best they can be. The world has many positive and negative outlooks on what an American means. Americans are fighters who don’t let things go. We are all equal and put together to be one nation. The three main things that define an American is having freedom, living in America under one nation, and our rights we receive. Having freedom is one of the main reasons on being an American and to many foreign people that's our title. We have the freedom to be who we …show more content…

For instance, September 11, 2001 was one of America's worst days in history still today. In New York both of the Twin Towers were hit by terrorist and many hundreds of people died. America came together to be one nation which shows individual Americans care about thy neighbors. Together Americans will always help and care for each other. From I, Too, Sing America it shows how to stand up and sing the American way and to be one nation referred by Langston Hughes on page thirteen. Those remarks from the poem make me feel proud to be an American. Americans have our rights to do many things and our law is to keep us safe. Americans stand up for what they think such as in the document The Bill of Rights: A Transcription says “Americans shall not be denied their rights” says that document on page forty six. Americans fight for their rights since we've worked so hard why let people take things away. For intense Americans realized that they were taking away the Lesbians and Gays rights when not letting them have same sex marriage. Americans got people to stand up and make a change and finally this summer it was approved since Americans fought for

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