Personal Narrative: My Declaration Of Independence

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A Declaration of Independence from Independence I declare independence, from independence. Independence has many problems for people throughout the years. I dislike continuously having independence, it has been a source of huge stress in my life. We all wanted our independence from an oppressive tyrant, but we don’t like the stress that comes with it. Being independent goes against my very nature, caused me unnecessary stress, and forced me to grow up. Americans loved the idea of independence, of self-sufficiency and making it on our own. For some, this is a necessary evil. I understand that we as human beings like to be able to take care of ourselves, but independence from the past sets up unrealistic expectations. We have our rights to I dislike being stressed out, and I don’t like to have to choose. No one likes to be forced into something, and I don’t like to be forced into decisions. I have always been known to be dependent and to be very indecisive, both of which come hand in hand. I recognize the importance of being able to take yourself, but not everyone is the same and I’m just a little less independent than others. I like being around people and I sometimes prefer to be told what to do, it’s easier. I wouldn’t support a decision I didn’t approve of, but I surround myself with those I trust. We have the right to any freedoms because of “The Declaration of Independence”, we can be who we want to be. Everyone is unique and has varying views on everything, independence is a widely accepted and preferred that has become necessary, but it doesn’t have to be like that all the time. Therefore, I hereby declare myself from the forced independence. I declare myself free from the struggle of relying on myself instead of with the help of others. Independence can be great for some, but not for all. There comes a time to make your own decisions and times where it is not necessary. I declare myself free from the unnecessary independence that has been expected of

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