Definition Essay On Success

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Many people have different perspective for success, for me success is living the life as a contented student achieving my goals, having a successful education, and achieving the impossible. For me success means to set a goal and planning the process to achieve it. There is no better feeling than when I have finally accomplished the goal that I’ve set for myself. Being successful can only happen when we explore and broaden our definition of success in our life. Few people think of it as money, fame, power however it’s the way we perceive it to be. I like to design the best suitable life plan and the goals for my successful future. I set my objectives based on what I desire, not what someone else wants for me. By chasing another person’s version …show more content…

Throughout my childhood I learned various ideas and perspectives of success from my guardians, teacher and friends. They all have their views of who and what I should be to become a better person. I wouldn’t view someone successful because they're rich or powerful. Instead, by only being happy achieving my life goals. True success should only be measured by how happy you are.
Waking up in the morning with a smile on your face, knowing it's going to be a great day is having a mindset for becoming a successful person. Emotions are how your subconscious communicates with yourself, they are one of the reasons humans are so resilient. If you are unhappy, it is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong with your life and you should do something about it. Being in a great mood allows positive vibes. It’s good to set a bright mindset towards a brighter future.
Mostly for me, failure isn't the end of the world. Failure is just the end of an idea or a possibility or a dream. When I fail, it enables me to move on to something else. Failure sucks, but never being able to take a challenge once in a while causes less hope. I’m thankful for the opportunity to fail and to get back up and to succeed

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