Definition Essay On Self Respect

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Self-respect is a word that has been commonly mistaken throughout history. Self-respect comes from the root word self, meaning yourself, and respect, which is a personal admiration of someone or something based on their qualities, characteristics, or achievements. When in fact, the word self-respect is pride and confidence in oneself. The word self-respect dates back to the early 1650’s in France, where it was represented as a proper regard for and care of the dignity of one’s person. Although people believe self-respect is a regard for one’s own standing and position, they are completely wrong. Self-respect is defined by being proud of yourself. Whenever you are standing in the mirror in the morning before your day begins, you look at yourself. As you look at your reflection you notice the way your clothes fit, the way your hair looks, or which pair of shoes looks better with the outfit you have on. Once you have aesthetically pleased yourself, you begin to think about all the encounters and compliments you will receive within the day. You are satisfied with your wardrobe choices and it carries on with you through the rest of the day. Your mood changes, you become more pleasant to be around, …show more content…

You can advertise yourself all you want, but if you do not take the physical actions to improve and love yourself, there is no point in trying to respect yourself. Whenever you are sitting through a lecture or a meeting, that you have no interest being at, your body posture is not the best. You seem as if you are insecure about your thoughts and feelings. Sit up and appear as if you are ready to take command of the situation or master the task you have ahead of you. Not only will you seem confident to your peers surrounding you, you will feel the part as well. You will feel like you could conquer the world and handle any task thrown at you. Not only is self-respect the actions you make, it also is how you speak when in front of

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