Definition Essay On Integrity

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You’ve seen many people who have achieved fame like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. Have you ever wondered how they gained so much respect? They had to utilize many traits that developed their character, such as integrity. integrity is when you do the right thing all the time, even when nobody's looking. Whether you want to gain respect from elders or people around your age, one thing that defines you is your integrity and will help you climb the ladder. You will continue to show your integrity, especially as middle schoolers. This is the time for you to try to find out who you are and what you want to be in the future. Some of you already are on the path to success, but the rest of you are oblivious to where you want to be. It all starts with having integrity. This is the right time to amend because of the many challenges you will have to surmount in your later years as a high schooler. Many high schoolers have cheated on tests and 58% of them admitted to it while 34% of high schoolers self-reported themselves for cheating multiple times on tests( So start doing the right thing so later, you will not have to face the consequences. …show more content…

According to the honor code of Harvard University, one of the top colleges in the entire United States, they view integrity as the basis of many skills that can be developed in anyone( If looking to be hired or to hire someone, think about what Warren Buffet said, ”In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy and if they don’t have the first one, the other two will kill you.” This means no matter if you will go to college or if you go find an occupation after high school, you will still need your integrity to help you get higher on the

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