Definition Essay On How Conflict Affects People

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The definition of conflict is simple, it is when people disagree over their thoughts or situations. Conflict affects people in daily lives because a lot people have problems with other people at times. Sometimes, conflict helps people solve more problems instead of causing them. Conflict can affect the world in so many ways that there may be many disagreements. But most of the time conflict is good and can help enemies become friends. Conflict is when people have disagreements. People have conflict with people everyday, and it’s a normal thing. People can fight through their differences but can maybe become friends. In some people’s opinions conflict is ok and sometimes good can come out of it. Some people feel that arguments and make a big deal about it, but good things can come out arguments. Because conflict can solve problems, people can change, and maybe even become better people because of conflict. …show more content…

Conflict affects people by making people have many different disagreements. For example, someone could have an idea and someone else may not like that idea. Conflict can rub off on people and maybe a person can learn how to get that person to like that idea. Conflict can help people learn to solve problems. When people don’t like someone very much and have a conflict, then they may resolve that conflict. People can become friends with their enemies sometimes. Sometimes, people hold things against someone, so they have conflict still and need to resolve it because they may end up holding it against that person and have to live with it forever. If him or her want to apologize, but the other person doesn’t accept, then they should persuade that person to believe that they really do forgive them

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