Definition Essay: Defining A Hero

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The definition of the word hero is not universal. Just as the world is forever changing, so are our own thoughts and beliefs. Each class discussion and individual presentation gave me new information to think about and a new perspective to view the topic from. Some aspects of my definition changed noticeably, while others were refined and given more detail. I have always been the sort of person that absorbs the opinions of others before forming a well-structured thought, and this case was no exception. I previously defined a hero as “a person who acknowledges the obvious danger and may even feel afraid, but helps another despite those risks.” My latest definition is as follows: a hero is a person who is willing to make a sacrifice to help another without any ulterior motives. My ideas evolved though the input …show more content…

Other than my parents, I have never had a tangible hero. My idols were television characters and people I read about in history textbooks. My definition was widened to include the fact that heroes not only save people in the traditional sense, but they also help people by bettering their lives. Not all heroes have to overcome remarkable odds. I was too focused on the danger that the hero faced instead of the impact made or character exhibited. Some heroes are not in any eminent danger, but are rather defined by their great sacrifices or great spirit. Those I presented as evidence to support my definition were people who performed extraordinary acts in extraordinary circumstances. Not all heroes accomplish such grand deeds, some only affect a small community but are nonetheless heroes. The event that caused the disturbance that led to such a major change in meaning was a presentation by Chayla Steele, a classmate whose brother had cancer. Her message resonated with me and led me to contemplate the existence of a hero that does not endanger themselves, but rather provides hope to

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