Defensive Driving Research Paper

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The thought of putting your most precious possession –your teenage child-- behind the steering wheel of a 3,000 plus pound vehicle is terrifying to say the least. Unfortunately, you can’t control the other drivers on the road. Drivers who aren’t as concerned with your child’s safety as you are. According to, aggressive drivers are considered road hazards, since they cause one third of all traffic accidents. You can reduce the risk of your child being involved in such an accident by teaching them the following defensive driving techniques:
Don’t Text or Talk While Driving:
A big aspect of keeping your child safe on the roadways is teaching them to remain diligent while behind the wheel. This means teaching them to leave their …show more content…

Teach your teen to always look ahead of them while in traffic. They also need to look at the cars next to them and behind them. Share with them what to look for in other drivers. Teach them to examine other cars on the road, noticing things like swerving, speeding and drivers who are texting or talking on their phone. Share with them what to do when they notice these things that could become a problem. Tips like slowing down and giving a swerving driver more room is one such tip.
Invest in a Safe Car:
It has been said the best defense is a good offense. Although this is oftentimes a phrase used in reference to sports, it can be applied to driving as well. Get your teen a safe car, with features such as blind spot monitoring. Research cars to learn which have scored the best in terms of safety scores, and choose one of the safer models for your teen to drive.
By teaching your teen defensive driving, you can reduce their risk of getting into an auto accident. Unfortunately, even when they do everything right, they might still end up in an accident. If you or your child were the victims of an auto accident, call us today. You could be entitled to

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