Debt Negotiator

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Around 77 million Americans are in debt collection.

If you're one of them, it means you're all too familiar cycle of demanding phone calls, letters, and stress. You may have even tried to negotiate a settlement or payment plan you could afford, only to have the debt collector insist on more.

It's enough to leave you feeling boxed in, but there is another option. You can secure the services of a debt negotiator. Debt negotiators take on the job figuring out a settlement for you.

It might seem strange to hire someone to negotiate your debt, but there are some excellent reasons to do so.

Let's jump and look at them.
A Debt Negotiator Isn't Emotionally Involved

Your negotiator wants to get you a satisfactory outcome, but they lack any feelings …show more content…

A debt collector can't do that a professional negotiator. That objectivity lets your negotiator drive a hard bargain on your behalf.
They Know What's Standard

Think of the last time you started a new job. You probably saw co-workers do things that mystified you at first. After you worked there for a while, you picked up those same behaviors because they're standard.

Debt collection is like any business practice. There are acceptable standards. For example, medical debts are routinely settled for around 50%.

Experienced debt negotiators know what's standard and where there are exceptions.
It Frees Up Your Time and Energy

If you deal with constant stress, such as collection calls, it isn't just mentally taxing. It also takes a physical toll on you.

One of the common symptoms of stress is fatigue. Fatigue leaves you lethargic, cranky and can mess with your decision-making skills. Basically, it's the worst possible state to be trying to fix a problem.

Turning over the problem to a debt negotiator frees you from the constant stress grind of debt collections.
Fewer Threats

Debt collectors aren't allowed to issue threats. Even so, it happens all the time.

For example, a debt collector might say: "If you don't settle this debt, we can sue

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