Dbq Essay On Imperialism

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Imperialism is a policy of expanding a country’s power by using diplomacy and military force. Imperialism is usually against with weak or undeveloped countries by another country which is more developed. Many people think that the imperialism helps the nation to develop. The people of the nation who impose imperialism to other nation will most likely see imperialism as a positive way, however people of the weaker think see it as negative. Thus, imperialism is sometimes positive or sometimes negative, it depends on where you are from and your beliefs. Even though imperialism can help both nations, stronger nations would have more benefits from imperialism than the weak nations. So while it helps the stronger on, it can hinder the lives of the people of the weaker nation. I believe that the imperialism has negative effects more than the positive ones. To begin with, one of the reasons why I think imperialism is bad is because of “Discrimination”. Even though exchanging of culture and traditions is a really good reason, it this should happen by forces. Unfortunately, some colonies had to experience this kind of discrimination; they were forced to learn foreign cultures and change their religion or thoughts like the foreigners. For example, in the 19th century, the Africans were forced to work for the Europeans. In document 2, it shows that one African and one Asian pulling a cart for a Western man. From this document, we can see that the Asian and African people had to do a hard …show more content…

Based on document 4, the natural resources like cotton and iron goods, encouraged dominant countries to become interested in imperialism. When I was researching about African imperialism. One of the biggest reason that influenced Europeans to imperialize Africa was because of the natural resources. Africa in the 19th century had a very tropical land which is very good for

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