Effects Of Imperialism

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Although imperialism helped the colonized people by improving the economy and the lives of the people, for the most part imperialism hurt the colonized people because the people were forced to grow cash crops which led to death by starvation.
First of all, imperialism improved the lives of the colonized people by aiding economic growth. The imperial powers prompted industrialization in the colonies, which is the development of advanced technology, leading to modernization in the colony. This is the change to a more modern, a more advanced country with new technology and better standards of living. These improvements then led to an increase in self-sufficiency, being able to maintain the colony’s economy by itself. In addition, industrialism
For example, the British colony of Hong Kong prospered greatly. Under imperial rule, the city became a center for manufacturing, trade, and banking. However, when Hong Kong was nearing its return to China, thousands of people left the colony, fearing communist rule of businesses. (Hong Kong Reading). Through imperialism, British rule encouraged industrialization and modernization which led to visible growth in the economy as the city is described as a trade center and important in manufacturing and banking, which suggests that the industries and businesses prospered. Additionally, the fear of Chinese rule suggests that businesses operated better under British rule, which shows how imperialism improved the lives of the people of Hong Kong compared to the government before imperial rule. The way that citizens of Hong Kong left the colony before it was returned to China further highlights the different effects of British rule and Chinese rule on the people, suggesting that British rule was preferred by the citizens of Hong Kong which is why they left rather than live under Chinese rule. This implies that the
In order to gain natural resources from the colonies, the imperial powers forced the colonized people to grow certain crops that are specifically grown to be sold which is why they are named “cash” crops. These include plants like tea, indigo, cotton, coffee, jute, and other crops that are not food. However, this increased production cash crops took the place of food crops, which led to food shortages. Additionally, to increase their gains, the imperial powers forced the colonized people to sell these crops at extremely low prices. Because of this, the colonized people grew less food but did not earn enough money selling cash crops to buy the food they needed. This situation led to widespread hunger and famines, which led to many of the colonized people dying of starvation. For example, the Indian people were forced by the British to convert to growing cash crops instead of food crops. This caused increased famines in the late 1800s. (p. 358). From 1876 to 1900, there were 18 famines and an estimated 15 million deaths from starvation in India. (Historical Investigation-The Development of Nationalism in India Worksheet). In this case, one can see that producing the cash crops instead of cash crops was directly linked to food shortages throughout India as well as a loss of self-sufficiency. This shows how the wants of the imperial power

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