Danger Of Modifying The Human Race

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The Danger of Modifying the Human Race
Is taking the characteristics of the human race into our own hands a safe selection or a disastrous decision? Methods to control the timing or probability of basic aspects of human life like death, eye color, or gender are being used in modern science. Cryonics is the practice or technique of deep-freezing the bodies of those who have died of an incurable disease, in the hope of a future cure, and today people are trying to use it to overcome mortality. Another form of taking the uncontrollable characteristics of humans like eye color or gender of an unborn baby in to our control is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD. Both of these methods are a way of telling God that His way just is not good …show more content…

Death is a natural occurrence that will come upon every single human being, no matter what. To think that we are smart enough or great enough scientists to escape death is extremely outrageous, and it is a dangerous way of thinking. If we think that we can find a way around death, there is no limit to what boundaries we will try to push. If people are revived there would not only be a overpopulation, but it would be an overpopulation of people who have no respect for rules, authority, or anything that anyone says. Would it be far fetched to say that people could begin to try and evade the Law of Gravity? Furthering the science of Cryonics is a dangerous road that we should not go …show more content…

Creating a "designer baby" is a slippery slope that society and science are going down currently. If people customize their babies, there is a great possibility of losing genetic and physical variation. For example, the number of girls in the world could easily and quickly outnumber the boys in the world, or vice versa. The only thing that a parent can currently choose about a child is gender, but since scientists are trying to allow parents to choose eye and hair color, parents could just make kids look however is popular at the time. We all know that what is popular in society changes rapidly, so we would end up with a group of kids looking that last weeks trend, a group like last months, and a group like last years. Instead of having diverse children, many would look almost the same. Also, what if the process goes wrong? Would the parents still love the child even though they were not what they wanted? Parents are supposed to love their kids no matter what, but would that change if we could pick exactly what kind of kid we wanted? Being able to choose how we want our kids to look is a dangerous path to go down, and science should realize that the cons more than outweigh the

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