Dance Room: My Special Place

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Did you ever know how a dancer’s life can be? Dancing can be used to impress others and to express their personal feelings. The dance room in my high school still resides as my special place that has brought back many good memories from the past because it has taught me how to relieve my stress from challenging courses that I have taken during my sophomore year in high school. Even Though, Reyna does not dance it could relate to the way on how she tries to defend herself on what other people around abuela Evila neighborhood had called her an “orphan” because the way she dressed and her hair had lice for someone who hasn’t taken a shower in a while. Although, some people may argue that dancing has nothing to do with stress relief it’s all for impression and being defensive to someone who criticize will hurt you more in terms of showing weakness.

The dance room was large enough to fit fifty dancers and the floor was made with highly durable material wood that would protect it from heavy scratches from the edges of their shoes. The wood on the floor was classic ...

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