Dance Observation Paper

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The first dance I chose to attend was the ballroom 1 dance on the 3rd of November. At this dance, the dances that I participated in, and watched were the swing, the waltz, the cha cha, and the tango. At this dance, there were some good dancers. There moves were flowed well together, and there was a very good variety between each of their moves. They also had very good posture while dancing and they always seemed to be loose, but not too loose. One thing that I learned from attending the dance, it too be more loose while I'm dancing, I have the tendency to be so really stiff while I am dancing because I tend to really think and worry about what moves I have to do. This occasionally makes me mess up, or makes my movements really choppy. If I …show more content…

At this dance, I saw many different types of dances. I watched people dance the salsa, foxtrot, hustle, waltz, swing,tango, and the cha cha. The foxtrot and the salsa were the two most interesting to watch because they are dances that I have never really seen. They were fun to watch, and they seemed to be more complex which made them interesting. One thing that I learned while attending this dance is how to dance a beginners level hustle. This was a very fun dance to learn because it involved a lot of movement and turns. I think that I was a much better dancer at this dance than the previous one. I felt more confident in my ability to lead people and I just felt less nervous overall. One thing thing in particular that I think that I did a better job this time was being able to loosen up and not to think about the dance as much. This allowed me to focus more on the music and allowed my movements to flow together better. At this dance, there were a lot of very good dancers. There moves were sharp, and there dancing flowed very well. Overall, this dance was a lot of fun. I got to dance with many people that I have never danced with before, and I got to see a few dances that I have never seen

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