Daily Spending Diary Case Study

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1. Explain how the use of a Daily spending Diary could result in starting an investment program. Through the use of Daily Spending Diary we are able track how we are spending our money. It also allows us to manage short and long term goals. Tracking what your spending your money will let you see if your spending money on unnecessary object. For example if you’re spending less money eating at home then eating outside you can consider eating at home more than eating out side. Money management referred in the book is the day-to-day financial activities necessary to manage current personal economic resources while working toward long term financial security. Thus a Sending Diary allows us to be in track of one day being financially secured. When we are keeping track of what we are spending there is bound to have some extra money lest so in that case we might want to invest money on something beneficial like a stock. Therefore with the help of Daily Spending Diary it can result in starting an investment plan. …show more content…

Based on your Daily Spending Diary, describe actions that you might take to identify and achieve various financial goals. Based on my Daily Spending Diary, best course of action that I must take is eating out less in order to save more money. I also have to learn to identify the needs over want. For example spending $172.00 on shoes when I am not financially independent was pretty fool choice. Also threw this Daily Spending Diary I will be able to save money for a car. Therefore I must eat out less and save money in order of me to achieve various financial

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