Robert Becker

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Robert Becker: Old-fashioned Responsibility At a young age, my grandpa Robert started practicing financial responsibility. He worked all through his childhood on his family farm. He would take care of pigs and chickens and also butcher them. He also tended to his family’s wheat fields. The small amount of money his parents gave him as wages were saved for a rainy day. My grandpa was never one to spend unnecessary money. After leaving his family farm in Wallace County, my grandpa went to technical school. This is where he learned the skills that would eventually propel him to financial security. He learned to service and repair International tractors. Upon graduation, he moved to Hoxie, Kansas where he got his first job doing tractor repair, …show more content…

This was not the idea of my Grandpa Robert. My grandpa attended a technical school and learned to repair tractors. This has led him to a career in which he has worked for nearly fifty years. In those fifty years, my grandpa managed to put five children through high and college or technical school. While I will not be attending technical school I will be saving money by attending a two-year college before transferring to a four-year university. By attending a community college and taking general education classes at around two-thousand dollars per year for tuition instead of around ten-thousand dollars per year at Kansas State or the University of Kansas, I will pay about a fifth of the tuition I would pay going straight to a four-year school.. Community college is the smart choice for smart students wishing to save money or go to college without taking …show more content…

I will take out the minimum amount possible in loans in order to keep out of debt. Scholarships are obviously superior to loans because loans require hefty interest to be repaid. A thousand dollar loan over twenty years could potentially be double or triple the value of the loan. After college, I still plan to live by my grandpa’s example. I will immediately begin to attack any debt I accumulated in college, working multiple jobs if I must, just as my grandpa did and taught me to do. Just as he worked to provide for my family and all their dreams I will work to provide for my family. In addition, I will practice what we have learned in class this semester. I will follow Dave Ramsey’s five foundations to financial success. As soon as I get out of college I will start saving as much as possible to start a three months of expenses emergency fund. Next, I will attack debt with all I can using the debt snowball method, paying off my smallest debts first and then contributing that money to bigger debts until I am debt free. Next, I will save and pay cash for all major purchases such as a car or a house. I will never pay for something unless I can pay cash for it. However, if I do need to get a house mortgage I will finance it with a fifteen-year fixed rate mortgage. This way I will never go into debt trying to pay for something. I will be able to save more money while still having nice things. Finally, I will

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