Cycle Of Socialization In Bobbi Harro's The Ugly Duckling

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Hans Christian Anderson paints a very graphic picture in “The Ugly Duckling” of how the the Ugly Duckling comes to determine his self-worth by the means of his appearance, and shows a connection to Bobbi Harro’s “Cycle of Socialization”. In this fairy tale, the Ugly Duckling goes through the stages of life with constant battering about his self appearance (and forms what he believes he is based of those opinions from the agent group.)

During the first stage of his life, The Ugly Duckling was outcasted from the beginning before he could even realize it. Wise ducks would come over to the mother and would blatantly tell the mother just to leave the egg behind despite that it has not hatched and because “It was very large and ugly” (Pg. 2 Para. 7). Moments like this would help shape the Ugly Duckling’s grouping into the “Circle of Socialization” which would ultimately be the target group. Days later the Ugly Duckling hatched from his shell and went to the farm with his mother and family only to be criticized even more by the older ducklings. Elder ducks went up …show more content…

Starving, cold, and even more miserable then before, the Ugly Duckling tries to battle for his life until he was too tired and upset to even try to attempt to live anymore. The “Poor ugly create, how gladly he would have lived even with the ducks had they only given him encouragement… He became exhausted at last and lay still and helpless, frozen fast in the ice” (Pg. 5 Para 30.). The Ugly Ducking wanted to live, he wanted to be happy and just live with other ducks but they just kept pushing him away. After that it just seemed like the whole world was pushing him and pushing until he could not take it any longer. It was to the point where he was ready to end his life because of all the bullying. The Ugly Duckling was ready to end his cycle of being ugly and end his Cycle of

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