Theme Of Beauty In Old Uglies

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In a seemingly perfect world in which everyone is sculpted to perfection what could go wrong? Well, this dystopian society has a dark secret. Almost everyone over sixteen years old is a mindless shell with bland personality and a fragile body. This is because at the age sixteen, everyone is required to have an operation to make all of their “ugly” traits disappear—but in exchange they unknowingly sacrifice their personality. Moreover, those who can’t have the operation generally don’t go out in public since in the words of Tally, “Uglies may look goofy, but at least they are young. Old uglies were really unbelievable”(83). This shows how beauty was needed to assimilate with society. Consequently, adult uglies live in fear, avoiding public places …show more content…

In the beginning Shay values independent thinking and is free spirited. Shays reason for disliking the pretty society becomes crystal clear when she exclaims, “‘I’m sick of this city,’ Shay continued. ‘I’m sick of the rules and boundaries. The last thing I want is to become some empty-headed new pretty, having one big party all day.’”(83). This contrast between the average boring pretty and Shay, makes Shay despise the pretty’s and the society around them making Shay dread the transformation in which she becomes pretty. Because of this fear, Shay strongly resist the power beauty. Once Special Circumstances changes her personality with a lesion, Shay abandons the mentality that she kept for most of the book. As a result of the operation, Shay completely changes her views in the pretty society saying to Tally, “‘I like the way I look,’ Shay insisted. ‘I’m happier in this body. You want to talk about brain damage? Look at you all, running around these ruins playing commando. You are full of schemes and rebellion, crazy with fear and paranoia, even jealousy.’”(408). After Shay has the operation, she willingly follows and summits to the power of beauty and finders the Smokey’s crazy for not doing the same. By the end of the book, Shay is obviously submitting to beauty, but doesn’t seek it since she already has power. While Uglies mainly focused on Tally and Shay’s response to power, the other character’s also have an

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