Cybercrime Essay

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There are a lot of people in this world that uses computers and the internet all day, everyday. A lot of us use it at school, at work, and even at home. Computers have made our whole life easier and has brought plenty of benefits to society and plenty of problems like cybercrimes. The internet seem like a type of community of computer networks, however you could consider it a society. There is education, commerce, entertainment (good and bad), and there is crime, cybercrime. Cybercrime is impossible without the use of the internet. Real life society has police and laws to regulate people actions, unfortunately right now the internet is missing this type of control.
Cybercrime, also called computer crime, is an illegal act that includes a computer system. The growing problem of cybercrime is an important issue facing researchers today. The number of internet users has grown exponentially over the last twenty years. However, it is really only in the last decade that researchers have really begun to study the problem. The purpose of this paper is to take a look at areas related to cybercrime today. In this paper I will discuss major types of cybercrimes: identity theft, computer use by pedophiles, cyberbullying,cyberstalking, unauthorized access to computers (hacking), computer viruses, spam, and illegal gambling on the internet.
Identity theft has been going on for a very long time. It is a form of “stealing someone’s identity in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming that person's identity, usually as a method to gain access to resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person's name” (“Identity Theft,” 2014, “Definition,” para. 1). This crime was made a federal crime and enabled law enforcement...

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...ways to end this crime to avoid those harmful and embarrassing consequences of cyber victimization. It was said that in March 2007, the Advertising Council in the United States, in partnership with the National Crime Prevention Council, U.S. Department of Justice, and Crime Prevention Coalition of America, joined to announce the launch of a new public service advertising campaign designed to educate preteens and teens about how they can play a role in ending cyber-bullying (“Cyberbullying,” 2014).
Threatening behavior or unwanted advances directed at another using the Internet or other forms of online communication is considered cyberstalking. This form of stalking has emerged in recent years. Very little is known about cyberstalking, but its behaviors can vary from a nonthreatening e-mail to a potentially deadly encounter between the stalker and targeted victim.

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