Louisiana Cyberstalking Laws

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The National Conference of State Legislatures (2013) defines Cyber stalking as the use of the internet, email or other electronic communications to stalk. It generally refers to a pattern of threatening behaviors or malicious intent. The NCSL considered it the most dangerous of cyber harassments. According to the Louisiana statute, Cyberstalking is the actions of any person to perform the following:
• (1)Use in electronic mail or electronic communication of any words or languate threatening to inflict bodily harm to any person or to such person’s child, sibling, spouse or dependent or physical injury to property of any person or for the purpose of extorting money or other things of value from any person.
• (2)Electronically mail or electronically communicat to another repeatedly, whether or not conversation ensues, for the purpose of threatening, terrifying or harassing any person.
• (3)Electronically mail or electronically communicate to another and to knowingly make any false statement concerning death injury illness, disfigurement, indecent conduct or criminal conduct of the person electronically mailed or of any member of the person’s family or household with the intent to threaten, terrify or harass.
• (4) any who knowingly permits a communication device under a person’s control to be used for the actions in subsections 1,2,or 3 (LA RS 14:40.3)
Now knowing what Louisiana says is cyberstalking, what makes the communication become a crime? According to the Louisiana laws as we read, it becomes a crime when someone fears for their safety or the safety of their family. General electronic communication is by far becoming a more normal way of communication in today’s world. However, when that communication starts to become threa...

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...ver his case will not be settled until he first settles a previous case of drunk driving in Florida. (Crabbe, 2010)
The last case we will look at involved a man named Gary Dellapenta. Back in 1999 he was charged with using the internet to solicit the rape of a woman who rejected him. Dellapenta posted internet ads on the computer giving out her address, ways to circumvent her alarm and that she had fantasies of being raped. Her father posed as a responder and was able to back trace the IP address to Dellapenta. Dellapenta plead guilty and received three counts of solicitation of sexual assault and was given six years in prison. (Man Charged, 1999)
In conclusion we find that cyberstalking is one of the most dangerous forms of stalking. People who feel safer harming others from far away use this method the most, and like regular stalking it can cause serious damage.

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