Cultural Imperialism In Modern Food And Its Effects On Third World Culture

554 Words2 Pages

“Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are,” wrote renowned gastronome Jean

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in 1825. His famously said words reflect how foods we eat reflect

our culture or a culture that we embrace. Food is an important element in defining culture

and can be seen to be the oldest global carrier of culture. . A change in the food habits

influences lifestyle and indigenous culture of a society to one that is portrayed as superior.

This change is often attributed to cultural imperialism of the dominant.

“Cultural Imperialism Theory states that Western nations dominate the media around the

world which in return has a powerful effect on Third World Cultures by imposing on them

Western views and therefore destroying their native cultures.”

Cultural imperialism is propaganda to change native culture of the Third world countries

into a westernised culture. This ideology is widely propagated through culture industries

such as music, cinema and television shows. India being a developing nation is often

influence by the western media to follow their cu...

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