Cultural Diversities On Team Cohesion Among Male Baseball Players

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The Effects of Cultural Diversities On Team Cohesion Among Male Baseball Players
Culturally diverse teams can be seen as harmful or helpful according to Klein (2012). People may struggle to understand, trust, or relate to others with different upbringings or views. Team performance can be jeopardized if there is a lack of cooperation or communication. On the other hand, cultural diverse teams can be benefitting because team members may have different ways of seeing things as well as hold different levels of knowledge. By sharing their differences, they contain variety of information to help enhance their team performance. Diverse teams often perform poorly at the beginning sages compare to a homogeneous team, which often have higher cohesion …show more content…

They define culturally diverse groups as one having their ethnic and national differences with their affiliates. A more thoroughly definition of cultural diversity as the way Doherty (1999) defines it as reflecting the single set of “values, beliefs, attitudes, and expectations, as well as language, symbols, customs, and behaviors, that individuals possess by virtue of sharing some common characteristic(s) with others.” Kumar, Michaelsen, and Watson (1993) have also defined group process as how each group member’s action can affect other members in duration of time. Cultural diversity on group process were examined in three ways; firstly, inspected group performance by giving them a multiple problem-solving task group members felt were important, secondly, comparing interactions between homogeneous and diverse groups, and lastly, used groups who were greater culturally …show more content…

When the nine innings are up, the team scored most runs wins the game. The play begins when a pitcher throws the ball and a player on the opposing team tries to hit it by swinging the bat onto the playing field. The pitcher will try to throw the ball towards the strike zone, which is an imaginary box. If the ball is caught in the strike zone, it is a strike. If the ball is hit, it is a ball and the player must run around a series of bases before a player on the opposing team gets them out. There are different ways a player can be put out; opposing team catches the ball before it touches the ground, or the opposing team whom has the ball touches the player as they are running to a safe base. If the player is on base, they are safe. If a player hits the ball over the outfield fence, it is a home run and all other player on base score also. If all three basses are occupied by the player’s team, it is considered a grand slam. Each inning is divided into two halves; bottom and top. In each half of an inning, one team will bat while the other is on the field playing. If the game is a tied score after nine innings, then the game

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