Cultural Differences In Hofstede's Six Dimensions

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Cultural Differences in Hofstede’s Six Dimensions
According to Professor Geert Hofstede, dimensionalizing a culture requires a complex analysis of a multitude of categories including differing nations, regions, ethnic groups, religions, organizations, and genders. Hofstede defines culture as "the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from another". Throughout his many years of contribution as a social scientist, he has conducted arguably the most comprehensive study of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture, leading to the establishment of the Six Dimensions of National Culture. From this research model, the dimensions of Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty
First, in Power Distance the USA scored 40 in comparison to Saudi Arabia's score of 95. Second, in Individualism, the USA ranked at 91 while Saudi Arabia is at 25. Third, the Masculinity rating for the USA is 62, and similarly in Saudi Arabia the rating is 60. Fourth, the Uncertainty Avoidance for USA is 46, while Saudi Arabia scored much higher in this category at 80. Regarding the fifth dimension of Long-Term Orientation, USA scored 26 with Saudi Arabia at 36. Lastly, in the sixth and final category of Indulgence, USA has a score of 68 in comparison to Saudi Arabia at 52. These scores translate into specific inferences for each country's cultural characteristics. Saudi Arabia scores high relative to the USA in regards to Power Distance, highlighting their country's emphasis on hierarchical order in which individual subordination is accepted and unchallenged. This is very different from the American ideals of equal rights in all societal aspects. For Individualism, the rank is reversed with the USA scoring much higher than Saudi Arabia. Individualism is popular in our culture, with independence highly valued and members tend to be responsible only for themselves and their direct family. Saudi Arabia is considered a collectivist society where loyalty and long-term relationships are held in high-regard with collective responsibility for group members. Both countries have nearly identical scores in the dimension of Masculinity. This exhibits the driving cultural forces of competition and achievement with success held in high regard over other values. With Uncertainty Avoidance, the countries are once again polarized. With the USA's relatively low score, the culture exhibits acceptance for new ideas with an emphasis on innovation and toleration. On the opposite end of

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