Cultural Competence

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A. It is important for early childhood educators to examine their own values, beliefs and attitudes, as they may not realise and be aware of some negative or ill- informed attitudes that they may possess. Educators, like everyone else, are shaped by their life experiences. Their culture, their religion, their beliefs, their family life and society around them. All life experiences have an impact, how we allow these experiences to take impact or effect or create our values, beliefs and attitudes is up to us. This is why it is critical that educators really examine and reflect upon their values, beliefs and attitudes. Firstly, we must identify these values, beliefs and attitudes. Acknowledge that we have them and then set about really thinking in-depth and analysing them. …show more content…

Cultural competence is showing an awareness of the cultural diversity around us. Cultural competence is striving in your understanding of these cultures; of these differences in language, social practices, values, beliefs and attitudes. Cultural competence is showing respect for these differences. Cultural competence is realising that inclusion is an ongoing process, a process that we must continue to strive for. Strive for understanding, strive for inclusion, strive to live together, embrace our differences and find the strength that is there to be gained from these differences and from living together in one community. Cultural competence is developing the skills to work and live in harmony with a positive attitude. All this, I believe, can only be achieved after careful self- evaluation. What are my beliefs? What are my values? How do they reflect in my attitudes? Once these questions have been answered then you may start the journey of cultural competence. The national centre for cultural competence (NCCC), identifies the following 5 components to be key to cultural competence, 1. A valuing of cultural diversity 2. Conducting a cultural self-assessment 3. Managing the dynamics of

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