Cuban Cuisine Research Paper

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Cuban Cuisine has been influenced by many countries; these countries include Spain, Africa, France, and many more. With the influences of many countries in Cuban cuisine, a flavorful blend of cultures is in every plate of Cuba. Cuban cuisine is commonly cooked throughout the world and the styles of Cuban cuisine are influenced throughout other regional dishes. With light spicing and simple cooking styles, the cuisine of Cuba keep its natural flavors. Cuba
Spaniards arrived in Cuba on 1942 only to learn of the indigenous people and their culture. They learn of the indigenous people and how they survive by hunting, fishing, and the gathering of vegetables; such as cassava, yams, maize, and black beans. Since then many of Cuban styles of cooking …show more content…

Commonly found dishes in Cuba consist of basic spices and a sofrito base to get the distinctive flavor of Cuban cuisine. One traditional plate found common in Cuba is Moros y Cristianos (Moors and Christians) or black beans and rice. One of Cuba's famous styles of cooking is called Criollo, which comes from Spanish origins and is frequently used today by many of the Cuban people.
There are various traditions around food in the country of Cuba, one of many include a traditional meal of pork. "A leg of pork, marinated in the juice of bitter oranges, salt, crushed garlic and oregano before being roasted, always forms the centrepiece on special occasions." (Beatriz Llamas 1) Another tradition around food in Cuba includes fried food which are featured in Cuban meals. Potatoes, squash, cassava, sweet potatoes, and yams are all fried and served in Cuban meals.
There are typically four courses in a meal consisted of a regular dinner . The four courses include the appetizer as the first course, soup or salad as the second course, the entrée as the main course, and the desert as the last course. The four courses of a meal are typically used in restaurants and could even be a five course meal or more

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