Crescent Moon Comparison

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First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and the Waning Crescent. Each of these have different causes and purposes which may differ but also may be the same.

A new moon is when the bright side of the moon is facing away from Earth, this can cause Solar Eclipses but is only because the sun and moon are aligned but are not facing earth so there is no light being cast onto the side of the moon which we can see.The Waxing Crescent is the first part of the moon we can see, in the Northern Hemisphere it is on the right but in the Southern hemisphere is is on the left. The First quarter is when we can see half of the moon (although it is called a quarter moon) but it is when half of the moon is illuminated which is what we can see. The Waxing Gibbous is when we can see most of the moon (more than half) but it is not yet a full moon. The Full moon is when the moon is the brightest in the sky and we can see the full circular shape. The Waning Gibbous is similar to the Waxing Gibbous except the opposite way around. The Last Quarter is the same as the First Quarter but the …show more content…

These are; the shape of each stage and the way the sunlight rotates to create the luminous side of each phase and to give a different shape and shadow to each different phase/ stage. Also there are many differences because of the effects each phases causes. Whether it’s to do with tides, seasons or the weather, each phase does this and causes other things such as solar and lunar eclipses and different experiences for us on earth. I think this is caused by the different lighting and the different shapes and shadows that are being cast on earth while each phase is going through. This is significant because it shows that the moon affects our lives on earth and causes us to experience different reactions and sights in our

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