Creative Writing: My Hero's Journey

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Clint had gone to school the same way every time so he thought he would go a different way. He followed a main road and then took a new side passage that he had wondered about before. Through this side passage he came across an abandoned street, he started to walk down when he noticed that his shadow wasn't making the same movements he was. Clint rubbed his eyes and then his shadow was mimicking him again. He then decided that he would go the normal way to school like usual. Once he arrived at school he talked to his friend Zac about the abandoned street and if he had ever been there. Zac replied with " No I would never go down such a dangerous looking street, you're basically asking to get mugged" "Do you want to go down that street on the …show more content…

i don't know if thats a good idea, I take that back I know that isn't a good idea" answered Zac. Clint finished school and wondered what was down that street, he messaged his mother to say that he was going to do some extra study at the library and that he will be home a bit later than usual. Clint wasn't actually going to the library, instead he decided he would go down that abandoned street. He got there and took a deep breath and told himself that it was only a street, he started walking and again his shadow wasn't mimicking. He rubbed his eyes once again but still his shadow wasn't copying him, instead it was pointing in a certain direction as if it was telling him to go somewhere. Clint was frightened and started running as fast as he could away from that street, he headed home and was greeted by his father Mr Rushman. He asked about what he was studying at the library, " I was learning about pyramids and what they were used for" lied Clint. "So what are pyramids then?" Asked his father " they are in the shape of a pyramid and contain tombs, thats about all I know" said Clint. Clint then ran immediately up the stairs into his bedroom and closed the door and hoped that Saturday would be better then

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