Creative Writing: Fallen Angels

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“That doesn’t mean we can’t try,” Rachel knew that her voice sounded whiny, but she didn’t care. “I mean, if you’ve lived through on break up you’ve lived through them all. As for the dying thing, you’ve survived this long, haven’t you?” “Lived through…” Dean smiled and shook his head, looking away from her. That was an interesting choice of words because if she was around Sam and Dean, there was a good chance that she wouldn’t live. He would get her killed like so many other people, forget him staying alive. How much blood was he going to let be on his hands? Yet, he couldn’t tell her no. He wanted her. He wanted to be happy. Why couldn’t he be happy for at least a little bit? If it got too dangerous, he would break it off. “Dean, if you don’t want to, just tell me. It would be better than us both pretending that nothing is going on,” Rachel got to her …show more content…

They needed to talk about what they were doing, the rules for dating angels and all that, but honestly too much had happened today to do that. I mean it was the first time that they kissed, no need to start talking about the ins and outs of it right now. Castiel might have just been caught up in the moment of it all. It might not happen again. As soon as that thought came through her head Castiel leaned forward and kissed her, lightly this time. It was lacking the heat and passion of the one in the closet, it was soft and hesitant. Somehow, that set her body more on fire than the other one had. Every part of her body started to tingle, even though Castiel was treating her as if she would break at any moment. So careful, so sweet, so delicate. It took her breath away. “If you two are going to start making out, I can find another room to have a concussion in,” Connor said after a few moments. “I hate to kill the mood, but I’ve almost been killed today and if no one is kissing me I would rather not see

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