Creative Writing: A Humorous Wedding

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How much of my money do you want? Like I've said... 70%. I've had enough of your never-ending apologies. I'll do whatever it takes to fix things between us. Are you waiting for me to show you how to fix things? Get those horns out of the house, and go stash them somewhere else. They're safe there. If those guys sniff around and get a lead to your house... they'll come and kick your door in. And my only fear... is that your sister will get hurt. The lobola negotiations have already been finalised with Hleziphi's family. And you've also paid lobola elsewhere. You'll marry both of them. You'll marry both of them on the same day. Polygamy is the only solution. My word is final. I'll be rich very young. The great Maphumulos, Zikodes, Mashimanes... …show more content…

It's very beautiful, and I like it very much. But something's bothering you. What's bothering you? Talk, and let's fix it. It's just that I've dated a cop before. Mondli didn't buy me expensive gifts. Never mind bling. Never. You know how Mondli is. I don't think he's the romantic type. I think it's because his salary was too little. I don't mind not getting gifts every day. I really don't. If you love me... and make me feel like a queen... that's more important to me than expensive gifts. Okay. If maybe... these expensive gifts bother you... then let's go to a taxi rank, and I'll buy you one of those perfumes that smell horrible. Where? No way! It's alright, baby. Maybe... Mondli hid some things from me. It's nice to have a man who spoils me. Hey! - What is it? - Look at the time. Duty calls. So quick? Play with me for five minutes. Come on. Just a quickie. A quickie? You'll get me into trouble with Captain. Babe, cheers. Bye. Jojo? Are you alright? I'm not alright, Sma. I don't understand why... it's so difficult to love someone. But that doesn't mean it's over between you and GC. Sma, I'm tired. I'm tired. I don't think I have the energy to keep fighting

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