Essay On Al Nassma Chocolates

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Introduction: Gifts make occasions better; they lighten moods, swell the atmosphere and make an ordinary occasion memorable. Authenticity is often valued, and origin specific gifts can be of great value to some. Al Nassma chocolates founded and owned by Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum pride themselves to be the only producer of camel milk chocolate in the world. The chocolate helps encapsulate the flavors and taste of the Arabian world proving to be the ideal delicious gift for a on the go traveler. Despite being the sole producer of camel milk chocolates in the world, Al Nassma chocolates are made from top quality ingredients namely Bourbon Vanilla and pure cocoa butter making each individual chocolate a ‘Halal’ quality product. Deserts pride the Middle East. The tradition and flavors that encompass the vast landscape are nurtured well by Al Nassma through the rich camel milk chocolate they provide. The company remains grounded to tradition, which is its USP (Unique Selling Point) and sells chocolates through its farm-attached store with over 3000 camels on its Dubai based farm to luxury hotels & private airlines. Expansion hits the doorstep of every established well rooted company, with ever growing consumers and an ever expanding market base Al Nassma see’s a successful potential future in foreign markets. This study will take you through a detail structured Market Entry proposition that Al Nassma chocolates would need to undergo in order to successfully imbed themselves into the European Markets. Business concept and rationale: Chocolate has been deemed unhealthy because of sugar concerns and various other factors contributing to diabetes, obesity and other health related concerns. Al Nassma ... ... middle of paper ... ...ost importance from any marketer’s perspective. At AL NASSMA focuses on providing their consumers with taste joy and satisfaction like any brand that seeks consumer satisfaction and places the needs of the customer as priority. But most of all the company takes pride in the area of providing the consumer with an exceptional experience. The packaging and the USP makes it evident that Nassma aims to position its product as a product of exclusivity and the grand emboss packaging resembles the prestige it tries to bring forth. With the added health benefits of camel milk, the product is further positioned as one that is healthy to consumers that are health conscious. Despite the exclusivity and health structured positioning the company at a broader perspective aims at establishing bonds and building relationships in order to nurture goodwill and repeat purchases.

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