Creative Followership Style

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Communication Styles Communication styles are part of who we are. There are different ways that people prefer to handle communication. For instance, some people are direct while others are indirect. In my experience, the direct approach is effective; on the other hand, the direct approach can make individuals that prefer indirect approach feel uncomfortable. Over the years one gains knowledge on how to adjust one’s communication style in order to better serve the people whom one is working with on a daily basis. Jimmy Collins wrote the book Creative Followership. The creative followership style is a biblical perspective of how one should behave in the workplace. Jimmy mentioned in his book that we must choose our bosses carefully, and help your boss succeed. I had never thought of my job in that manner. In my professional experience, it has been an honor to have worked for strong leaders with great communication and directive style. As one continues to evolve in the professional world, new leadership approaches are encountered accompanied by a different communication approach, in my recent experience, indirect approach. …show more content…

Help your boss succeed” (Collins, 2013 p.80). It is imperative for one to be able to effectively communicate with people that have a different communication style, especially one’s boss. The book provides a guideline in how to help make your boss successful. In the case of serving under a leader that has an indirect approach; one needs to learn to understand their goals, reasoning and style. Once the goal is clear, one can help to use directive approach with the employees that need that approach. Understanding a business is imperative for the realization of goals. By facilitating the communication of goals and serving the front line employees to achieve their goal, the production of a corporation will reach its

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